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Marion Correct FCA Deficiencies Building 13

Department of Veterans Affairs

VISN 15, Marion VA Medical Center

Marion, IL

Romanyk Consulting Corporation (RCC) served as the Prime A/E of record to correct seismic deficiencies as well as to make minor existing system renovations to HVAC and plumbing to accommodate the creation of 3,500 sq ft. of new office space at Building 13 (B13), located on the Marion VAMC Campus.

Marion corrected Seismic Deficiencies as well as Life/Safety deficiencies as allowed by seismic funding. We also worked with the Illinois SHPO to maintain historical character of the interior stair while also not impacting the "Little Egypt" stylized character of the building.

Built in the 1940s, B13 is a three-story structure with a basement level. The renovation affected approximately 10,360 sq. ft. of space. The structure is reinforced concrete floor and roof slabs supported off reinforced concrete beams and columns. The roof slab is covered with a built-up roof. The exterior walls are in-filled structural clay tiles finished with stucco on the outside and architectural terra-cotta and plaster on the inside.

This projected included site investigation to ascertain the condition of the existing building structure as necessary for determination of code compliance and deficiency issues. Mechanically the project included rerouting of piping/ductwork and relocation of mechanical/HVAC equipment.


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